New Creation Chorus

Definition and Purpose
New Creation Chorus is sponsored by the Keystone Mennonite Fellowship. The structure and activities of the chorus are designed to promote the spiritual, social, and musical growth of its members. Members are expected to be professing Christians, 16 years of age or older who are members of a conservative Anabaptist church
Chorus practices are held during the months of June, July, and August with rehearsal time primarily being spent on learning music, learning how to sing it well, and meditating on the texts to be sung. Chorus programs are scheduled during September, October, and the first half of November. Programs are intended to provide an opportunity for singer and listener to join in worship of God through choral music sung skillfully, enthusiastically, and sincerely.
Click here to read the chorus application info sheet. Request a link to the online application form with the contact form below.
Contact the New Creations Chorus
For more information, to schedule a program, or for the online application form, please fill out the form below.
Director – Wilmer Gehman
Administrators – Lamar & Rhoda Harnish