Camp Counselor Application

The Jr. counselor positions are filled.

Please make an account here to see camp dates​ or to register your child for Rubies or Arrows.

Camp Counselor Application

Personal Data





Medical Information 

In the event of an accident or illness requiring, special drugs, therapy treatment, services of a hospital,
physician, dentist, ambulance or any other related expense, the charges will be made to the applicant and the signee hereby agrees to pay for all services that may be required; and Keystone Arrows/Rubies
Camps, its Directors, staff members and facilities on or outside the camp property are hereby released
from any and all liabilities 

Experience and Skills

(The extra day and a half will be given to extended orientation, team concepts, personal spiritual development, and camp operation) If there is a conflict of schedule, please inform us of the details. Thanks.
